Womb, Manchester 2008
At The Briton’s Protection pub.
Improvisation with electric guitar, objects, drum skins, contact microphones, plastic bag, and tape recorder.
Photo: Kath Aubergine.
Cath Aubergine, Up The Down Escalator blog.
Salford-based G Fisher, it's not so much music in the conventional sense as an auditory art installation.
This is G Fisher. And yes, you would be correct in thinking that is (a) a kitchen brush - it's being scraped around on a metal plate into a microphone - and (b) a fork lodged between guitar strings. Other sonic accessories in the Fisher repertoire include a paint scraper and a pewter tankard. The fork makes an amazing sound and altogether Fisher's work is more of a single coherent piece than a collection of strung-together sketches. My long-suffering companion describes it as sounding like two squids having a fight over a rusty bicycle, but when I mention this to the promoter he doesn't seem to consider this a bad thing.
A member of the audience left the venue in disgust over the perceived mistreatment of a guitar.
Live recording Live at Womb released on the Found In A Skip label at The Internet Archive.
Photo: Louise Woodcock.